Scaling-up and industrial transition to bioeconomy

Timing: November 17, 8-10:30 a.m. (CET)
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), Japan
3Bi Intercluster: Dr. Tatjana Schwabe-Marković, CLIB (DE), Dr. Sarah Hickingbottom, BioVale (UK), Christophe Luguel, IAR (FR), Marcel van Berkel, Circular Biobased Delta (NL), Prof. Dr. Matthias Zscheile, BioEconomy (DE)
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Russian Academy of Sciences

Yoshiyuki Fujishima
Thematic focus
Making the global bioeconomy a reality is a huge challenge. It will disrupt industries and markets. It will need thoughtful regulation, ambitious incentives, and success in attracting investment. Over the next years, the industry will increasingly need to move from small-scale demo plants to industrial demonstrators and first commercial plants. As the industry transitions to the bioeconomy, large existing industries will have to undergo massive changes, shifting to sustainable biobased products, at great financial investment. Established and new, innovative companies need to see not only the societal shift, but also the economic feasibility of their endeavours. Success will depend on the right networks to integrate into value chains and access to finance. In Europe, clusters like 3Bi support industry in finding the right partners for collaboration and to sharpen value propositions. Funding programmes like the BBI JU help fund demonstrators and flagship plants. Around the globe, policy makers are taking different measures to support the shift towards non-fossil base resources and encouraging investment. Despite these measures, scale-up clearly remains a major challenge. Are the existing instruments sufficient, can they be improved, or does the bioeconomy need new, different, support structures?
In the plenary of this workshop, the participants can expect to learn from several innovative companies how they successfully went from lab scale to demonstration in first of a kind industrial process. Large industry companies will present their vision of sustainability and how to achieve the transition away from fossil-based resources. We will focus on key points: hurdles, chances, choices which made the difference and ultimately led to success – or which resulted in failure. In the interactive parallel working group sessions, we want to discuss with the participants whether we can find commonalities and formulate ideas for regulations or instruments which can support industrial transition to bioeconomy. The results of the discussion will be disseminated in a written conclusion after the workshop.
All times refer to CET. Current time:
08:00 – 08:10: Welcome and Introduction by the moderators
Sarah Hickingbottom, Tatjana Schwabe-Marković, workshop organiser 3Bi, Yoshiyuki Fujishima, workshop organiser; IAC
08:10 – 08:20: Luis Cascão-Pereira, Head of Nutrition and Biosciences Division, DuPont
08:20 – 08:30: Babette Pettersen, VP Europe, LanzaTech
08:30 – 08:40: Daisuke Kanazawa, General Manager Circular Economy Department, Mitsubishi Chemical
08:40 – 08:50: Nicolas Sordet, CEO, Afyren
08:50 – 09:00: Mateus Schreiner Garcez Lopes, Global Manager Innovation and Business Development in Renewable Technologies, Braskem
09:00 – 09:10: Ed DeJong, VP Development, Avantium
09:10 – 09:20: Jason E. Camp, CTO, Circa Group
09:20 – 09:25: Q&A with all speakers
09:25 – 10:10: Breakout sessions
10:10 – 10:20: Reports from the break-out sessions
Marcel van Berkel, Christophe Luguel
10:20 – 10:30: Conclusion and wrap-up
Sarah Hickingbottom, Tatjana Schwabe-Marković, Yoshiyuki Fujishima
Parallel working groups
Moderator: Marcel van Berkel, 3Bi, CBBD
Christophe Luguel, 3Bi/IAR
Yoshiyuki Fujishima, NEDO Japan