How bioeconomy is transforming agriculture

Timing: November 18, 8-10 a.m. and 4-6 p.m. (CET)
This workshop is split in two parts, to cover regions from both hemispheres.
Workshop Recording
The recordings of part 2, which started with the breakouts, you can find here in the section of Wednesday afternoon.
Workshop Summary
A brief summary of the workshop can be dowloaded here.
You can find a video with five minutes summaries of each workshop here.
Outcome messages from the breakout group organized by Agricultural Systems of the Future at IGZ
The International Consortium on Applied Bioeconomy Research (ICABR)
Forschungszentrum Jülich, PhenoROB and Bioeconomy Science Center
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Agricultural Systems of the Future at IGZ
Rutgers University
U.C. Berkeley, USA

Carl Pray

Regina Birner
Thematic focus
The development of the bioeconomy is influenced by two “revolutions” in science and technology: the “biological revolution” and “digital revolution”. Both revolutions have a wide range of applications in crop and livestock production and can thus enhance the productivity and environmental sustainability of producing bio-based resources for the bio-economy. To what extent such innovations will be applied depends on the way in which societies perceive these options and the policies and regulations they adopt. The workshop will benefit from the fact that the Global Bioeconomy Summit brings together professionals and stakeholders from a wide range of countries that represent different perspectives on these technologies.
The workshop’s expected outputs are:
(1) Identification of the most promising biological and digital innovations that have the potential to transform agriculture and lead to a more sustainable production of bio-based resources; and
(2) Identification of policies to promote promising innovations, taking society’s response to different innovations into account.
The workshop is split into two parts to make world wide participation possible. It is not necessary to participate in part one to join part two.
After an introductory plenary part, participants will join one of the working groups (please choose during registration which one you want to join).
All times refer to CET. Current time:
08:00 – 09:00: Plenary: Impulse talks to introduce workshop themes
08:00 – 08:05: Welcome and introduction to the Workshop
Regina Birner, University of Hohenheim / Interantional Consortium on Applied Bioeconomy Research (ICABR)
08:05 – 08:15: The role of digital innovations in transforming agriculture
Ulrich Schurr, Forschungszentrum Jülich
08:15 – 08:25: The role of microbiome-based innovations in agriculture and food systems
Angela Sessitsch, Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT)
08:25 – 08:35: Biological innovations, societal responses and regulatory challenges
Mahaletchumy Arujanan, International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA)
08:35 – 08:45: How to manage the transformation of agriculture
Monika Schreiner, Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ)
08:45 – 08:55: Questions and answers
All Speakers
08:55 – 09:00: Move to break-out rooms for parallel sessions
09:00 – 10:00: Parallel sessions (Part 1)
16:00 – 16:05: Meet in pleanry and move to break-out rooms for parallel sessions
16:05 – 17:05: Parallel sessions (Part 2)
17:05 – 17:10: Move from break-out sessions back to plenary
17:10 – 18:00: Final Plenary Synopsis
17:00 – 17:30: Reporting back from the parallel sessions (5 Minutes per group)
One representative of each group
17:30 – 17:45: Joint discussion
Moderated by:
Carl Pray, Rutgers University / ICABR
17:45 – 17:55: Digital voting on most promising innovations and most important policies
Moderated by:
Regina Birner
17:55 – 18:00: Wrapping up and closure
Carl Pray
Parallel working groups
During both parts of the workshop particpants will join one of the following working groups.
Organizer: Ulrich Schurr, Forschungszentrum Jülich, PhenoROB and Bioeconomy Science Center
Organizer: AIT Group
09:00 – 10:00: Morning Parallel Sessions
09:00 – 09:08: Impulse talk 1
Speaker: Lene Lange, BioEconomy Research & Advisory, Director (DK)
09:08 – 09:16: Impulse talk 2
Speaker: Brajesh Singh, Western Sydney University, Director, Global Centre for Land-Based Innovation (AUS)
09:16 – 09:24: Impulse talk 3
Speaker: Ulrich Schurr, Research Center Jülich, Head of Institute Plant Sciences (DE)
09:24 – 09:55: Moderated discussion on potential impact of microbiome innovations
Moderater: Bettina Schelkle, EUFIC, Senior Scientist
09:55 – 10:00: Wrap-up and summary by Rapporteur
Rapporteur: Tanja Kostic, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Research Engineer
16:00 – 16:05: Meet in plenary and move to break-out rooms for parallel sessions
16:05 – 17:05: Afternoon Parallel Session
16:05 – 16:13: Impulse talk 1
Speaker: Emmanuelle Maguin, INRAE, Research Director (FR)
16:13 – 16:21: Impulse talk 2
Speaker: Yolanda Sanz, CSIC, Group Leader (ES)
16:21 – 16:55: Moderated discussion on gaps and needs related to microbiome-based R&I – policies and regulations; public and private investment opportunities
Moderater: Beatrix Wepner, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Scientist
16:55 – 17:05: Wrap-up and summary by Rapporteur
Rapporteur: Tanja Kostic, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Research Engineer
17:05 – 17:10: Move from break-out sessions back to plenary
Organizer: IGZ group
08:55 – 09:00: Move to break-out rooms for parallel sessions
09:00 – 09:04: Introduction
Monika Schreiner, Coordinator, Agricultural Systems of the Future at IGZ
Philip Albers, Project Manager, Agricultural Systems of the Future at IGZ
09:04 – 09:15: Impulse talk 1
Speaker: Sonoko D. Bellingrath-Kimura, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)
09:15 – 09:26: Impulse talk 2
Speaker: Christine Watson, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC)
09:26 – 09:55: Discussion
Sonoko D. Bellingrath-Kimura, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)
Christine Watson, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC)
Tilman Brück, Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ)
09:55 – 10:00: Wrap-up and summary
Monika Schreiner, Coordinator, Agricultural Systems of the Future at IGZ
Philip Albers, Project Manager, Agricultural Systems of the Future at IGZ
16:00 – 16:05: Meet in plenary and move to break-out sessions
16:05 – 16:05: Introduction
Monika Schreiner, Coordinator, Agricultural Systems of the Future at IGZ
Philip Albers, Project Manager, Agricultural Systems of the Future at IGZ
16:05 – 16:20: Impulse talk 1
Speaker: Christian Huyghe, Scientific Director Agriculture, INRAE
16:20 – 16:35: Impulse talk 2
Speaker: Edeltraud Guenther, UNU-FLORES, DE
16:35 – 16:55: Discussion
Christian Huyghe, Scientific Director Agriculture, INRAE
Edeltraud Guenther, UNU-FLORES
Johannes Isselstein, University of Goettingen
Sandra Schwindenhammer, University of Giessen
16:55 – 17:00: Wrap-up and summary
Monika Schreiner, Coordinator, Agricultural Systems of the Future at IGZ
Philip Albers, Project Manager, Agricultural Systems of the Future at IGZ
Organizer: BioMonitor & ICABR
08:55 – 09:00: Move to break-out rooms for parallel sessions
09:00 – 09:05: Introduction
Speaker: Justus Wesseler, Chair Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands
09:05 – 09:15: BioEconomy in Europe
Speaker: Tevecia Ronzon, Researcher at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), Directorate for Sustainable Resources, Seville, Spain
09:15 – 09:25: Hanf Farm Germany
Speaker: Rafael Dulon, CEO Hanf Farm GmbH, Melz, Germany
09:25 – 09:35: Cyanophycin from tobacco in Argentina
Speaker: Inge Broer, Professor of Agrobiotechnology, University Rostock, Germany
09:35 – 09:45: Sustainable forest in Africa
Speaker: Mads Asprem, Managing Partner, NewAfrica Impact Ltd, London, UK
09:45 – 10:00: Discussion
Moderator: Justus Wesseler
Rappoteur: Max Kardung, Researcher, Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands
Organizer: ICABR Group
16:00 – 16:05: Meet in plenary and move to break-out rooms for parallel sessions
16:05 – 16:45: What are the most important policy and regulatory issues regarding the acceleration of the bioeconomy?
Speaker: David Zilberman, Robinson Chair, Agricultural and Resource Economics, U.C. Berkeley, USA
Ruben Echeverria, Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), USA
Mahaletchumy Arujanan, International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA)
16:45 – 16:55: Discussion with the audience
Moderator: Carl Pray, ICABR Chair, Rutgers University, USA
16:55 – 17:05: Digital voting on most important issues
Moderator: Regina Birner, University of Hohenheim, German