Anne Bogdanski
Anne Bogdanski is a Natural Resources Officer at the Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment (OCB) of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation in Rome, Italy. Anne joined the organization in 2009, where she coordinates the International Working Group on Sustainable Bioeconomy, and FAO´s “Towards Sustainable Bioeconomy Guidelines”. The project guides and accompanies FAO member countries in the development of sustainable and circular bioeconomy strategies and programmes. Her research interests focus on the sustainable transformation of food systems, including through bio-innovations and the role of the microbiome in agriculture, nutrition and health. Previously, Anne worked for the German Technical Cooperation, for the financial newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and at the Universities of Canterbury/NZ and Göttingen/DE. She holds a M.Sc. in Biology with specializations in Ecology and Biotechnology.